Saturday, December 19, 2009


We woke up this morning at Zelda to a scene right out of the move A Christmas Story when the character Ralphie looked out of his window on Christmas morning.  We cleaned the inside of the house a bit, loaded the Pilot and headed on our journey back over the mountains to Gatlinburg.  All the roads in the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee were closed so we were forced to travel I-26 North to nearly Johnson City, TN (near the Virgina boarder) and then south on I-81 towards Knoxville. 

A trip the usually takes about three (3) hours took us about seven (7) hours today.  There were hundreds of vehicles off the road and in some cases blocking a lane and a lot of trees on the interstate that had fallen due to the weight of the snow.  Traffic was heavy and slow and we were bombared from time to time with light and then heavy snow.

Below are two (2) pictures of the marble floor in the foyer against the stairway and freshly painted coat closet door.  We think it looks great and will only improve as the baseboard is installed.

1 comment:

  1. Love the marble floor. It really makes the stairs stand out. I can not wait to see the house finished.
