The weather was nice, so outdoor activities took top priority. We both worked on painted the bricks and pipes of the pergola structure on the side of the house. The paint sprayer was broken out and white paint applied to anything in it's way. After Brent sprayed the brick wall, columns and overhead pipe, Lynn power washed the flooring and painted it a gray color.
Lynn also painted the front steps that had been poured last week. We now only need to repair the steps near the sidewalk which had a few missing tiles. Lynn also used a mixture to seal the crack in the middle of the walk.
This prompted us to get out the ladders and put the finish coat on the front of the house. There were a few areas that required a little caulk and some primer but we finished the front of the house. Our backs can really feel the effects of moving and climbing on the ladders. Our two (2) stall carport contractor also arrived late on Saturday and installed the carport next to the shed (Chip's house). It really looks good and Brent was impressed with the quality of the materials.
Sunday brought a refocus on the upstairs fireplace. Brent removed the form and then spent more time than planned on leveling the hearth base. After a trip to Lowe's for mortar mix, paint and few other items, Brent laid the hearth and the top surround on the fireplace. The surround will be finished next weekend and Lynn will grout and finish the fireplace.
Four (4) of the shutters were painted and installed on the front of Zelda. Then after cutting down a large branch on the walnut tree next to the house, we decided to install the awning over the front door. After trying to understand the instructions, the one (1) hour installation time turned into a two (2) hour project. We did not leave until after 5:00 pm and arrived back in Maryland after 1:00 am.
The top front step after painting.
The front steps painted.
The base of the fireplace formed and poured.
Removal of the form and the start of leveling the hearth.
The hearth and the top of the surrond are tiled.
The new two (2) stall carport.
The pergola after washing.
Ready to begin painting.
The front of the pergola facing the street.
Brent using the paint sprayer.
A new coat of paint.
Lynn is preparing the slab for paint.
After the paint.
The finished product. Now all it needs is a grill, table and chairs and a swing.
The pergola back on August 1, 2010. A diamond in the rough?
The area has change quite a bit thanks to Jessica's work on August 1, 2010.
The new awning and shutters.
The outside of the front is nearing completion.
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