Saturday, July 24, 2010

No More Wisdom for Jennifer and Jessica

Jennifer and Jessica had their wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday, so we are staying in Maryland this weekend as they recover. Jennifer only had a total of three (3) teeth removed and has done quite well on her recovery. Jessica had a total of four (4) teeth removed of which two (2) teeth which were impacted and required drilling so she has been in a lot of pain and her recovery is taking longer.

Ray Jr is installing the thresholds on the doors at Zelda this week prior to their family heading to South Dakota next week. This should be the end of interior work with the exception of the master bedroom sitting room fireplace.

We have order a two (2) space metal carport to be installed next to the storage building/barn and it should be installed in the next two (2) weeks.

We will meet with the real estate agent next weekend to sign the papers and get Zelda on the market. Brent is planning on cleaning out the entire house of all tools and materials and either storing in the barn or bring back to Maryland.


  1. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the progress of Zelda and am sad to see it ending! Good luck with the sale, you've done an OUTSTANDING job, the house is to-die-for gorgeous!

  2. Audrey,

    Glad you have enjoyed watching the progress. We did have fun restoring Zelda, but it has dragged on far too long. With all the sweat equity put into Zelda it will be sad to see it go. I just hope it goes fast!!!


    Lynn and Brent
