The focus of work right now on Zelda is installing the sub-floor. While performing other tasks, Brent put his dad in charge of measuring, and marking a corner piece in the floor. Brent would use the circ saw to cut it out and both of them would install. Brent applies the liquid nails and his Dad "screws" it down. Looks like he could not resist coming back to Zelda to "screw around" again. Brent said his dad had become a "screwing machine".
The first picture show Pa Pa Neal pointing to his corner piece which fit good and snug. There are additional photos showing him measure and mark the board and reluctantly, one showing him screw.
At the end of the night (11:00 pm) Pa Pa Neal was tired and remarked "I helped". He truly did help.
The sub-flooring has progress through the keeping room and has now entered into the dining room. Brent ran into a problem when changing rooms. The exisiting floor beam was about 2 inches higher than the new floor joists and needed to be shaved down. This was just another excuse for Brent to purchase a new tool. We now own an electric hand planner. Brent said the tool worked great and now the transition between the rooms is great. The difference in height is less that 1/8" which is not noticeable.

We are heading to Knoxville for the Tennessee football game this weekend. We play Arkansas and hope to be eating BBQ pork and not crow after the game.
We are heading to Knoxville for the Tennessee football game this weekend. We play Arkansas and hope to be eating BBQ pork and not crow after the game.
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