Friday, January 28, 2011

Changing of the Guard

The changing of the guard at Zelda will happen on February 15, 2011.  That is when our contract expires with our current representative.  With hardly any communication (none if Brent did not initiate) during the past half year we look forward to the coming Spring.

Looks like we will be heading down from Maryland on Friday, February 4th, to clean and interview potential agents.  We will keep our fingers crossed.

If anyone can recommend a real estate agent in the area, please let us know.


  1. I am impressed with all the work you have done to/with Zelda, and LOVE how she looks now.
    Did you know that you can google real estate agents, and some of the results will have reviews by actual clients? I've been in Seattle for a year now, and found a hairstylist, doctor, and manicure that way.

  2. As nice as this home is, your agent should

    have it sold by now, even with the housing

    market not too good at this time.

    Good luck on you agency change----you need a

    more interested agent.
