Sunday, September 19, 2010

Open House At Zelda

There was an open house today at Zelda and we hope for a large turnout.  While the open house was being held in Kings Mountain, NC, we went to Dewey Beach in Delaware.  The weather this weekend in the Mid-Atlantic was great.  It is about a two (2) hour drive to the beach from our condo.

We will update on the open house once the information is relayed from our real estate agent, Margaret Pearson.  We will keep our fingers crossed that the right person walked through Zelda today.

The Delaware beaches are beautiful.  Lynn and Cookie are walking far down the beach.

Cookie walking Brent on the beach.  She is ready to surf.  "How does my bow look Daddy?"

Cookie is learning to surf.  "Oh  I hope my bow is not ruined."

"Surfing makes me hungry.  What do we have to eat?  Is my bow straight?"
"I know that China is down here somewhere.  To heck with that bow"

Somewhere on a beautiful secluded beach in Delaware is a missing bow.


  1. Brent,
    The beaches were awfully pretty-----but--------I wouldn't want Cookie getting in the car after that.
    Hopefully you doused her in the ocean again.
    Glad yall had a good time.
    Love, Mom and Dad

  2. We did get the sand off Cookie and dried her the best we could before starting back. She was one tired dog the rest of the day.

  3. Aww, I wish I could have been there. It looks like it was fun!

