Monday, June 7, 2010

Inspector Cookie

Another weekend and another trip down to Zelda. We did have several accomplishments this weekend. Lynn was able to finish grouting the shower and she grouted the library/living room fireplace hearth and surround.

Brent spent the entire weekend in the attic but did finishing installing floor access to the hot water heater and the ac unit. The temperature outside was in the 90's so the temp in the attic was well above 100 degrees F. He had to take several breaks and got dizzy (more than usual) several times.

The girls and Lynn continued with the never ending tasks of painting. The outside front door was painted along with the sidelights. The inside was touched up where Ray Jr. had installed some additional trim pieces. Progress was made on all the painting, but there is still work to do.

On the agenda for next weekend, PAINT both inside and outside. Also, tiling around the master bathtub and the keeping room fireplace will be on the menu.

Cookie spent the entire weekend inspecting all the work. She has become the official inspector. But we did receive a notice from Kings Mountain about having our final inspection performed. Brent did contact Kings Mountain and the final inspection is set for Friday, June 18, 2010.

Cookie is inspecting the painting on the stairs. Looks like some touch up work needs to be done.

Inspector Cookie wants all the tile installed before she approves the tiling in the master shower.

Cookie is checking Brent install some trim molding. Looks like Cookie wants a level to check the alignment.

Cookie inspect the painting of the side lights and likes the color. The brush strokes have got to go and you missed several spots.

Cookie inspects Ray Jr works and wants to see his contractor's licence.

Cookie is please with the grouting and tile job and notes that the stain job on the hearth has passed inspection.

The transition strip between the kitchen floor and keeping room floor passes Cookie's inspection.

Checking out the attic flooring, due to the heat Cookie passes the inspection and head down stairs. If I stayed longer I would be a "Hot Dog".

All the work this weekend and the heat in the attic really takes it out of an inspector. Not even a toy is interesting after this grueling inspection. Next weekend is another day and every dog has his day. I will be back, because an inspector's work is never done especially if my family is involved. I am not really sleeping but just inspecting the floor installation.


  1. Brent,
    WOW! I just noticed the date of the inspection. What's that about 3 years now! I was hoping to have put those back steps off for another month or so but it looks like I better not take that vacation I really need!
    I think you inspired Mrs. Hatch down the street. We just started restoring the 1903 front porch!

    See Ya Later,
    Little Ray

  2. Sounds like Inspector Cookie is a little hard to get along with...ahem!...or maybe I should say... very thorough. : )


  3. Hey Valerie,

    Inspector Cookie is one tough dog. She is very thorough and peers over our shoulder while we work. When your Dad and Ray were installing the stairs, Cookie stayed at the door at watched them working.
