Saturday, April 4, 2009

Grout and Tile

Well, we made it back to Kings Mountain today and Lynn grouted the downstairs bathroom, which included the shower basin and the bathroom floor. Brent installed about 90% of the "clearance" marble tile (see previous week post) on the floor in the upstairs bathroom.

We have decided to stay in Gatlinburg next weekend for Easter. Brent is having to take a vacation day on Friday (imagine a company that professes to be Christian based, but does not celebrate Good Friday as a holiday) as the girls are off from UT for Good Friday and we will spend a long weekend together. Only Greg will not be here for Easter, but is working and Raleigh and busy planning for the wedding in late June.

Today is Brent's sister's birthday. Happy Birthday Becky. She is part of the "Renovation Crew" that worked on Zelda back in August and September of 2007. The picture below is of Becky from the archives of Zelda around August 2007 providing a full moon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hi!

    Been following your blog for a while - love every single sentence! I, too, am restoring my victorian home!

    Why is the toilet drain below the tile?
