Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wall is Framed

The wall between the pantry and laundry room has now been framed. Also both of the entrances from the kitchen to each room have also been framed. The pantry door has been sized for a 34" wide door and the opening to the pantry will be able to accomidate up to a 36" wide door, if we choose to install a door. I don't expect us to install a door, but after living in the space, we may decide to install a door. The current vision (which changes daily) is for the door(s) to have glass, but not clear. Either a slight frosted or distorted view, that will allow light but not a clear view.

The plumbing is progressing but typically there are always a few delays. Brent talked with the contractor on Tuesday and expects to finish by Friday but promises no later than next week to have the inspection. This plumbing contractor is working out very well, as he contacts us on a regular basis to make sure he is not impeding progress. He currently is not, but once the floor joists are in, then that would be a different story. The plumbing has been connected to the sewer and the water connection soon will be installed.

Brent had a great weekend in Gatlinburg and Knoxville, as the Vols played their best game of the year. He did do some work at the Chalet, including installing a mailbox. No bears were spotted, but he did see a group of wild turkies on the road leading to the Chalet.

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