Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Whirlwind of Activity

Well we have a lot of dust flying but nothing to show at the moment. With the floor leveling almost complete, I have contacted hvac contractors, plumbing contractors and termite/pest exterminator to provide me with quotes. All the flooring is removed such that all these contractors will have easy access to perform their functions. We are obtaining the quotes and weighing our options on what to tackle ourselves and what to sub out. I know for sure we will sub out the termite treatment.

Zelda had our second intruder on the premises over the weekend. We have not been locking up the house as there is a huge hole where the sliding doors in the back used to be and it seemed pointless. We are now boarding up the the void and have installed motion detector lights, informed our neighbors and the city police. Four (4) work lights were stolen as well as exposed copper piping in one (1) of the bathrooms. The total length of 1/2" copper piping taken was about three (3) feet which is the second occurance of a small length of copper piping being taken. I suspect it is some neighbor kids that are just down the street and become bored on Friday nights and sell the copper for a few dollars. The current going rate for scrap copper is $3.00 per pound.

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